Congratulations to newly elected officers at tonight’s convention. Peter Brady (Ballymachugh) as President. Peter has had a long distinguished involvement with Cavan GAA having served as Vice Chairman in 1985 and 1986 and Chairman from 1987 to 1992. Dan Daly (Maghera MacFinns) was elected as a Vice President. Angela Hamilton (Shercock) was elected Assistant Secretary taking over from Gary Robins who had completed five years in the role. A huge thank you to Gary who always carried out his role in a professional and courteous manner.
Election of Officers for 2017
Uachtarán (President): Peter Brady
Leas Uachtarán (Vice President): Packie Smith, John Andy McCabe, Jim McDonnell, Phil Smith, John Foy, Brendan Keaney, Paddy Carolan, Dan Daly
Cathaoirleach (Chairman): Gerry Brady
Leas-Cathaoirleach (Vice Chairman): Paddy Sheanon
Runaí (Secretary): Liam McCabe
Leas- Runaí (Asst. Secretary): Angela Hamilton
Cisteóir (Treasurer): Martin Cahill
Leas Cisteóir (Asst. Treasurer): Tom Moore
Oifigeach Caipreamh Poiblí (P.R.O): Mark O’Rourke
Teachtaí do Comhairle Uladh (Ulster Council Reps): Declan Woods & Tom O’Reilly
Teachtaí do Árd Comhairle (Central Council Rep.): Kieran Callaghan
Oifigeach Óiliúna (Coaching Officer): Jody Clarke
Oifigeach na Páiste (Children’s Officer): Anne Fortune (Appointed)
Oifigeach Forbartha (Development Officer): Michael Reynolds
Oifigeach Cultúir (Cultural Officer): Eugene Kiernan
Congress Delegates: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Central Council Delegate Tom O’Reilly and Declan Woods
Ulster Convention: TBC