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Talk on Challenges to Safeguarding our Children

By Susan Thu 18th May

Talk on Challenges to Safeguarding our Children
Talk on Challenges to Safeguarding our Children

Det Supt Declan  Daly, Garda National Protective Services Bureau, will give a talk on Child Safeguarding on Monday 22nd May at 7.15p.m in Hotel Kilmore.
Topics include Online & Phone safety, online bullying, Sexting & how Sexual  Predators can infiltrate a group/organisation. The lives of our young people and teenagers are fundamentally linked to the online environment, most being active users on Facebook, Snapchat & Instagram to name but a few platforms.

Creating awareness of the challenges to the safeguarding and welfare of  users , together with advice as to how best protect them is the purpose of this talk . Everyone is Welcome. This is a free event.


By Susan Thu 18th May

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