Club Leadership Development Programme

By Susan Tue 7th Mar

Club Leadership Development Programme
Club Leadership Development Programme

Club Leadership Development Programme (CLDP)

Date Monday 20th March
Time : 7pm
Venue: Hotel Kilmore

The programme is tailored for, and aims to equip the principal officers in each club with the knowledge and skills to fulfil their roles effectively.

The course overview, benefits, structure etc are outlined in the information sheet which has been sent to club secretaries.

Who Should Benefit By Attending:
Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Secretary & Assistant Secretary
Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer
Youth Chairperson, Secretary etc
Possible successors to any of the above roles

CLDP and Club Planning are currently the GAA’s top off field club priorities, with significant recourses being invested.

Participating clubs will reap the rewards both on and off the pitch.

This training provided by the Association is also worthwhile in terms of personal development. Please spread the word to the relevant people and actively encourage attendance within your club.

Please register by 13th March at the link below or let me know.—cavan

In the meantime, feel free to contact Cavan GAA Development Officer Michael Reynolds 086 8199463 anytime with any queries.

By Susan Tue 7th Mar

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