Important GDPR Seminar

By Susan Tue 13th Mar

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Seminar for Club Officers

New Data Protection legislation, called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is coming into effect in May 2018.  This legislation will have significant implications for GAA Clubs and it important that all clubs are aware of their responsibilities regarding data protection.

In order to assist GAA Clubs to understand specifically what they must do to comply with the legislation, a number of Data Protection seminars are scheduled during March, one in each Province.  The seminars will start at 7:00 PM and will last approximately 2.5 hours.  Attendees can choose to attend the session that is closest to them.

Please note that the Seminars are a repeat of the one held in Croke Park at the end of last year – if you attended that session, you do not need to re-attend, but you are welcome to do so if you so wish.

This Seminar is intended for Club Officials who are actively involved in the process of collecting, processing and storing information relating to members on an on-going basis. This may be the club Registrar or the Secretary or another volunteer and it will vary from club to club.  Please bring this event to the attention of the relevant person in your club.

It is hoped to have as many GAA Clubs as possible in attendance and delegates interested in attending should reserve their place using the links below.  The events are free but places are limited and you must reserve a place if you plan to attend.

Seminar Details: Data Protection Seminar – An overview of the implications for GAA Clubs of new Data Protection legislation called GDPR (General DataProtection Regulations) which is coming into effect in May 2018.

When is it on?
This Thurs 15th March 7.00pm in Tyrone GAA Centre, Garvaghey.

Who should attend? The person in your GAA Club who is responsible for collecting and managing Membership Information is the most appropriate person to attend.  If clubs wish to send more than one delegate, that’s fine.

What will be covered? The agenda will cover a range of topics and will specifically address the following:

*   An overview of Data Protection legislation
*   Specific changes arising from GDPR
*   Tools and supports available to help Clubs:
*   Data Protection Officer

How do I book my place? You can book your place by completing the reservation form available at link below:

By Susan Tue 13th Mar

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